National Radar Current weather alerts


Severe Weather outlook Winter Weather outlook



Winter Weather Article Count:  8


Snow Fall Day 1 Snow Fall Day 2 Snow Fall Day 3
24-Hour Probability of Snowfall Accumulating greater than or equal to 1 Inch 24-Hour Probability of Snowfall Accumulating greater than or equal to 1 Inch 24-Hour Probability of Snowfall Accumulating greater than or equal to 1 Inch
Ice Day 1 Ice Day 2 Ice Day 3
24-Hour 50th Percentile Freezing Rain Accumulation (inches) 24-Hour 50th Percentile Freezing Rain Accumulation (inches) 24-Hour 50th Percentile Freezing Rain Accumulation (inches)
Severe Weather Article Count:  1
Meso Info Severe Weather Alerts
Valid MD Image



Fire Alerts Article Count:  2
Fire Outlook Day 1 Fire Outlook Day 2 Fire Outlook Day 3-8